
Entrenadors de Lichess

FM Daniel1999 Lichess coach picture

FM Daniel Kozusek

⚠️ Achieve peak performance with a Sport Psychology-Qualified Chess Coach! 📈

Ubicación United Kingdom
IdiomasEnglish (US)
PuntuaciónFIDE: 236524042508
Tarifa per hora£45/hour
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Lonerdruid Lichess coach picture

Jason Davies

Chess is hard, but it does not have to be complicated. Let me help you simplify it all!

UbicaciónWestern Province South Africa
IdiomasEnglish (US), Afrikaans
PuntuaciónFIDE: 2105250519131939
Tarifa per horaVery Affordable/Deals available in bulk too!
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WIM latrechesabrina Lichess coach picture

WIM Sabrina Latreche

Un voyage de mille kilomètres commence par une seule étape " رحلة الألف كيلومتر تبدا بالخطوة الاولى "

UbicaciónMontréal Canada
IdiomasFrançais, العربية, English (US)
PuntuaciónFIDE: 20762175
Tarifa per hora contacte:
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GM Gabrielian Lichess coach picture

GM Артур Габриелян

Available for training games, simuls.

Idiomasрусский язык, English (US)
Tarifa per hora40$/1 hour
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FM baby_leo Lichess coach picture

FM Laith Kasib

My passion is helping chess players of all levels improve and establish a path to improvement

UbicaciónGothenburg Sweden
IdiomasSvenska, العربية, English (US)
PuntuaciónFIDE: 22102161
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IM Nozdrachev_Vladislav Lichess coach picture

IM Vladislav Nozdrachev

Hi! I was in Top 50 in World Blitz Championship (Moscow 2019).My student is the youngest master in the USA.

Idiomasрусский язык, English (US)
PuntuaciónFIDE: 251528862798
Tarifa per hora25$ (90 per 4 hours)
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GM KetiGrant Lichess coach picture

GM Ketevan Arakhamia-Grant

''Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” – Theodore Roosevelt

UbicaciónEdinburgh Scotland
IdiomasEnglish (US), русский язык, ქართული
PuntuaciónFIDE: 23802501
Tarifa per horacontact me
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IM Mikhail_Belous Lichess coach picture

IM Misha Bilous

Want to improve your rankings in chess or just beat all of your friends? That's the place to be!

UbicaciónOriginally from Ukraine, based in Vienna Austria
IdiomasEnglish (US), українська, Deutsch
PuntuaciónFIDE: 242326492544
Tarifa per horaPlease contact me for rates
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NM Roenko_Artur Lichess coach picture

NM Artur Roienko

Тренерський стаж – 11 років. Майстер спорту України, FIDE Instructor.

UbicaciónVinnytsia Ukraine
PuntuaciónFIDE: 2208252524052199
Tarifa per hora15$
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WFM SarahLongson Lichess coach picture

WFM Sarah Longson

A coach that really cares about student's success!

UbicaciónCheshire United Kingdom
IdiomasEnglish (US)
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